Au début du monde, il y avait si peu d’espace entre le ciel et la terre que les hommes devaient se tenir à quatre pattes et ramper pour se déplacer. Mais un jour, un garçon trouve un morceau de bois bien droit et solide et décide de l’utiliser pour repousser le ciel de toutes ses forces. Le ciel remonte, jusqu’à ce que les arbres aient la place de pousser, les kangourous la place de sauter. Il pousse encore, jusqu’à ce que s’élèvent les montagnes. Dans ce long bâton creux, le garçon souffle puissamment et la musique jaillit… Avec le talent qu’on lui connait, Frédéric Marais se plonge à l’origine du monde et de la musique. S’inspirant de l’art aborigène et réduisant sa palette à un bleu profond et un orange vif, il nous offre un album splendide.
How a young Aborigine, with the help of a long and hollow wooden tube (the didgeridoo), pushed back the sky, thus allowing men and nature to blossom, and invented music.
At the beginning of time, there was so little space between the sky and the earth that men had to crawl on hands and knees to move around. But one day, a boy found a wooden tube, very straight and hard, and decided to use it for pushing back the sky with all his strength. He pushed up the sky to make room for trees to grow, and for kangaroos to jump. He pushed it again, until mountains could rise up from the ground. Then the boy blew hard in the hollow wooden tube, and suddenly music was heard…
Frédéric Marais plunges into the origin of the world and of music, with the talent he is now famous for. Getting his inspiration from aboriginal art, and reducing his palette to a deep blue and a vivid orange, he offers a breathtaking picture book.